Rent (Musical)



Fresh from its recent closing performances on Broadway, the Drama Group is very proud to present the groundbreaking musical “RENT”. Using the basic outline of Puccini’s beloved opera “La Boheme”, “RENT” resets the timeless bohemian 19th century characters in 1990’s New York, where they still suffer for their art, but now AIDS is the scourge that forces the artists to savor every day they have. “RENT” is a rock musical featuring the most vibrant score of new original songs Broadway has seen in many years, including the well-known “Seasons of Love”. It is a truly original work, full of joy, hope and life. Come and be a part of the Pulitzer Prizewinning show that has become a cultural event. NOTE: Adult Themes/Mature Language

Season: 2009-2010

Genre: Musical

Open date: 2009

Show Type: Regular Show

Director: Stacy Louise

President: Charlie Misovye

Musical Director: Mark Jancosek

Cast List

Angel played by Marcus Desion

Ford Joanne played by Barbara Myers

Maureen played by Anne Litchfield %

Roger played by Brian Brady

Ensemble played by Kansas Battern , Krystal Jones , Hillary King , Tyler McMahon , Sean Brady , Jeffery Pastiak , Morgan Forrest , Jessica Carpenter , David Luecht , Lara Heritage , Michael Gibson

Benny played by Jeff Allen

Mark played by Tommy Slivka

Mimi played by Erin Elle East

Tom Collins played by Bill Klideris